
Game Development

We're a boutique studio working together since 2011. Produced and released many games for different platforms including mobile, PC and web. Besides our own titles, we participated in different projects as consultant. Our portfolio includes FPS games, strategy games, TCG and many other genres.

Our team focused on hyper/hybrid casual games in the recent years. We produced and tested more than 100 games with different publishers. Eager to learn, we continue our journey!


Experts of the area

We value expertise in our value much. That's why we're regularly exploring the new and more efficient ways of producing games.

We're using Unity3D since 2011. Except producing our own tools for all these years, we're regularly exploring new techniques and assets. Other than that we consume new technologies to use them in the game industry. This includes Web3. Our latest products like Whale Islands or NFDNA are the results of this effort. Our expertise include developing games from scratch, developing concepts and graphics, shaders, UI/UX, multiplayer games, physic based games.

Let's Talk

about your next project.